• Magazine of the International Sociological Association
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Podolynsky and the Ecological Turn in Social Theory An Interview with Joan Martínez-Alier

by Joan Martínez-Alier, Volodymyr Shelukhin

GD 15.1

Serhii Podolynsky (1850-91) is one of the most original Ukrainian social scholars of the nineteenth century. His impact has been as influential as it is understudied. Was he first and foremost a revolutionary agitator, a profound researcher, or a madman? Drahomanov collaborated with Podolynsky while simultaneously distancing himself from the emotional anarchist. Mykhailo Hrushevsky and Mykyta...

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Latest Issue. GD 15.1, April 2025

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The Institutionalization of Sociology in Morocco

GD 15.1

Sociology emerged in the West during the Industrial Revolution as a means of social engineering in response to the imbalances and dysfunctions observed in the social fabric of the countries affected by that revolution. Since then, sociological knowledge has been the subject of debate and reflection concerning its object, methodology, approaches, etc. It evolved from the status of social thought to the status of a science, and in the English-speaking world – especially in the USA – was given the name “societology,” while the French and other Europeans adopted the term...

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Revisiting Contemporary Sociology in Morocco

GD 15.1

Several obstacles hinder the production of a comprehensive study of the themes, approaches, and methods of sociological thought in Morocco. The initial impediment has been the dearth of interest among researchers in advancing the discipline and the paucity of documentation about sociological data. These include, but are not limited to, the absence of comprehensive thesis reviews, the scarcity of published book reviews, the lack of thematic bibliographies, and the rarity of colloquium papers. The second obstacle is the national character of postcolonial independent sociology. The formative years...

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Sociology in Morocco and General Sociology

GD 15.1

One of the challenges facing post-colonial Morocco was the decolonization of sociology and how to rid it of ethnocentric ideology. The aim of this article is to retrace the identity of sociology in Morocco in relation to the colonial period and general sociology, and to question the challenge of the de-Westernization of sociology in Morocco. Taking stock of the decisive turning points in the history of sociology in Morocco leading towards the construction of the sociological self enables us to analyze the dynamics of conjunction and disjunction between the evolution of sociology in Morocco...

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The Contested Field of Openness and Inclusion

GD 15.1

During 2020 and 2021, I had the honor to serve as chair of the UNESCO Advisory Committee that prepared the Recommendation on Open Science draft project, approved at the 41st UNESCO Conference in November 2021. The discussions with the 30 experts who were part of the committee, representing different regions of the world, soon showed us the complexity of the idea of openness in the context of the world’s economic, technological, academic, and social inequities. The challenges of scientific openness change significantly from...

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The Dialectics of Open Science: Three Years since the UNESCO Recommendation

GD 15.1

“Open science” and the Mertonian ideal The mid-twentieth-century sociologist Robert Merton, who can be said to have set out what is now termed “open science” through his norms for ideal science practices and communication, prescribed that science should be universal in what it reveals (objectivity) and constructs (free access). Via this Mertonian norm of universalism, the science community is encouraged to pursue universal knowledge by openly discussing and verifying facts discovered collectively, regardless of individual scientists’ identities ...

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Decommercializing Science: A Utopia?

GD 15.1

As noted by Mirowski and Sent, the “commercialization of science” is a heterogeneous phenomenon that defies simple definition, which makes many contemporary discussions of it unsatisfying. This unfortunate state of affairs is due primarily to the definition of science itself, which ranges from science as an established body of knowledge or science as an institution, to science as a process or science as the product of that process. Therefore, the question posed by the title of this article has many dimensions...

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Citizen Science and a New Rights Agenda

GD 15.1

Citizen science has expanded in the last two decades, gaining visibility in the public policies of different countries and agendas of international organizations. It dialogues with other activities and approaches, such as community science, participatory science, and public engagement in science. Citizen science encompasses various conceptions, practices, methodologies, and topics. It is a polysemic term that allows for different interpretations and definitions depending on who mobilizes it and their motivations, objectives, perspectives, and backgrounds. Therefore, it has a situated character...

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Rethinking Open Science: Towards Care for Equity and Inclusion

GD 15.1

Growing pains: more Open Science is exacerbating its contradictions Open Science (OS) represents a new mode of doing science based on cooperative work and new ways of sharing knowledge, often through digital technologies or other collaborative tools. Also, as expressed in a UNESCO Recommendation in 2021, there is hope that OS will “serve to widen access to scientific knowledge for the benefit of science and society and […] promote opportunities for innovation and participation in the creation of scientific knowledge and the sharing of its benefits”...

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Polarization and Political Conflict: Insights from Latin America

GD 15.1

Latin America has been experiencing a period of growing discontent and social and political conflict since 2019, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, as discussed by Gabriela Benza and Gabriel Kessler. The leftist forces that had fanned the winds of change at the beginning of the twenty-first century became the “establishment” to be challenged. At the same time, the emergence of right-wing opposition presaged a political turnaround; but this shift did not occur ...

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