• Magazine of the International Sociological Association
  • Available in multiple languages

Zeynep Baykal

Global Dialogue’s Turkish Team

by Zeynep Baykal, Günnur Ertong, Gizem Güner, Aytül Kasapoğlu, Nilay Çabuk Kaya and Zuhal Yonca Odabaş

We started our journey of translation with GD 2.4. At the beginning it was difficult to find and organize people who would be willing to be part of this adventure. But now, the editorial team is more or less settled. We live and work in different cities of Turkey. Despite the considerable geographical distances that separate us, we manage to keep our labor alive via digital media. That is the short history of Global Dialogue’s Turkish...

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Turkey's Rebellion: Gezi Park, The Art of Resistance

by Zeynep Baykal and Nezihe Başak Ergin

“To live like a tree single and at liberty and brotherly like the trees of a forest, this yearning is ours.” (Nazim Hikmet) It is very hard to express our feelings about the last two months of resistance, June and July of 2013, which were unique and inspiring not only for Turkey but all over the world. “Everywhere is Taksim; Everywhere is resistance” became a famous slogan, stated in many languages and occasions...

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