• Magazine of the International Sociological Association
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Sari Hanafi

The War in Gaza and the Responsibility of Universities An Interview with Sari Hanafi

by Sari Hanafi, Thora Bjørke Sandberg and Helle Haglund

Sari Hanafi is currently a Professor of Sociology, Director of the Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies, and Chair of the Islamic Studies program at the American University of Beirut. He is a corresponding fellow of the British Academy and the past President of the International Sociological Association (2018-23). He is the author of numerous articles and books on the sociology of religion, the sociology of (forced) migration applied...

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Tianxia System and Smart Democracy: An Interview with Zhao Tingyang

by Zhao Tingyang and Sari Hanafi

Zhao Tingyang is a distinguished Chinese philosopher and leading intellectual who graduated from Renmin University and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). He is an Academician Fellow and Distinguished Professor at CASS Institute of Philosophy and has also held posts at several other Chinese and foreign institutions, including Zhejiang Normal University, the Berggruen Institute and the Institut International TRANSCULTURA. His numerous...

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Tribute to Izabela Barlinska: 40 Years Dedicated to the ISA

by Margaret Archer, Michel Wieviorka, Michael Burawoy, Margaret Abraham, Sari Hanafi and Geoffrey Pleyers

Over 40 years ago, the Executive Committee of the International Sociological Association (ISA), meeting in Poland, also met Izabela for the first time, standing dignified amid drifting snowflakes to welcome us. As the niece of Magdalena Sokołowska, I assumed this doctoral student was only helping with local arrangements. How wrong can one be? This was not one week off her thesis on Virginia Woolf but an introduction to four decades of working for the ISA...

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Welcome to the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology in Melbourne

by Sari Hanafi

We will at last meet in person. When finally deciding on the date for this XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, many questions remained: Should it be online, hybrid or in-person? Who cannot make it? Who is still fearful of coming too close to others? After almost three years of online meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this major in-person event appears as a historic moment. We envisaged different scenarios, but for now the outcome is most encouraging...

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Pushing Public Sociology Toward Dialogical Sociology

by Sari Hanafi

Michael Burawoy is not simply a social theorist who feeds sociology with many theoretical insights into labor sociology and political economy, he actually reshapes the practice of sociology across the world. When I started reading Public Sociology: Between Utopia and Anti-Utopia, I could not put it down until I had read the last page. Read as a novel, the book turns the last half century of Burawoy’s trajectory into an object of analysis...

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Ukraine, Putin’s Imperial Paradigm, and Euro-America

by Sari Hanafi

The Russian criminal invasion of Ukraine that has rocked the world is not only an isolated war but also an exceptional one. It is exceptional based on its capacity to turn into a third World War and more specifically, in its risk of becoming a nuclear one. The eastward expansion of NATO is a provocation, or at least what the Palestinian philosopher Azmi Bishara (2022) called “determination to not avoid the road to war,” yet it does not at all...

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The Convivialist Manifesto: A New Political Ideology. An Interview with Alain Caillé

by Alain Caillé and Sari Hanafi

Alain Caillé is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense and editor of La Revue du MAUSS (Anti-Utilitarian Movement in Social Science). He is known for his radical criticism of contemporary economics and utilitarianism in the social sciences. He is the originator of the Convivialist Manifesto. On the occasion of the release of the second...

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Sociology in the Post-Corona World

by Sari Hanafi

The surreal atmosphere of the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed fault lines in trust among human beings, among countries, and between citizens and governments; it is pushing us to raise big questions about ourselves, our social relationships, and life generally. This crisis is not just limited to public and environmental health or the economy; what we are witnessing is a moment of truth regarding the crisis of late modernity and its...

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I. Wallerstein: A Towering Sociologist and Intellectual

by Stéphane Dufoix and Sari Hanafi

Many events have troubled our sociological community in the last few months. Three prominent sociologists have passed away: Immanuel Wallerstein, Aníbal Quijano, and Erik Olin Wright. Yet, the International Sociological Association (ISA) is particularly indebted to Wallerstein, who was its president between 1994 and 1998. He is the author of the much celebrated four-volume masterpiece The Modern World-System...

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Global Sociology – Toward New Directions

by Sari Hanafi

Global Express

I was honored to be elected as the President of the International Sociological Association (ISA) during its congress in July 2018 in Toronto. In the following paragraphs I would like to outline the program that I introduced in my speech as a candidate for this position, and to highlight a three-point agenda concerning sociologies in dialogue, moving towards a post-authoritarian approach, and the current crisis in secularization theory. ...

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Sociology in the Arab World: An Interview with Sari Hanafi

by Sari Hanafi and Mohammed Idrissi

Sari Hanafi is currently a Professor of Sociology and Chair of the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies at the American University of Beirut. He is also the editor of Idafat: the Arab Journal of Sociology (in Arabic), and Vice-President of both the International Sociological Association and the Arab Council of Social Science. His research interests include the sociology of migration, the politics of scientific...

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The Appeal of the Islamic State – An Interview with François Burgat

by François Burgat and Sari Hanafi

François Burgat is a political sociologist and senior researcher at the French Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), who has devoted his career to the analysis of political systems and civil societies in the Arab world. He is one of those rare scholars capable of understanding the Islamic movements without romanticizing or vilifying them, courageously confronting mainstream interpretations. Currently principal...

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Libyan Sociology during and after the Dictatorship: An Interview with Mustafa Attir

by Sari Hanafi and Mustafa O. Attir

Dr. Mustafa O. Attir is Professor of Sociology at the University of Tripoli, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development Research, and former President of the Arab Sociological Association. He is the author of numerous books and articles on the impact of modernization and oil on the Libyan society. He is interviewed by Sari Hanafi, Professor of Sociology at the American University in Beirut, member of the ISA Executive...

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The Arab Revolutions: Who Are The Actors?

by Sari Hanafi

Over the last four months political earthquakes have shaken the Arab World. These revolutions have toppled the presidents of Tunisia and Egypt and are making their way to Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, Jordan and Syria. No matter how one defines the success of these uprisings, it is clear that they are forcing dictatorial regimes toward political reform. The importance of these revolutions resides in the meeting of social and democratic demands. We should...

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Multi-Versalism: A New Paradigm?

by Sari Hanafi

The newly established “World Social Sciences and Humanities Network” (World SSH Net) in cooperation with UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) and the Science Council of Argentina (CONICET) held a three-day workshop (28-30 October, 2010) on “Cultural elements in social sciences and in academic labor – epistemological and educational challenges to constructing a scientific multi-versalism”...

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