Introducing Our New Editors
September 24, 2010
Several new editors have been appointed recently for ISA publications. They are Eloísa Martín (Current Sociology), Christine Inglis (International Sociology), Bert Klandermans (Sociopedia) and Sujata Patel (Current Sociology monographs and Sage Studies in International Sociology); we expect great things from all of them in their important tasks. Special thanks go to their retiring predecessors Julia Evetts, Melinda Mills and Dennis Smith for their valued contributions. Devorah Kalekin and Vineeta Sinha continue their sterling work on the International Sociology Review of Books and the E-Bulletin.
International Sociology

Christine Inglis is Director of the Migration and Multicultural Research Centre in the Department of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Sydney. Her involvement with ISA has included being a Board Member of RCs 04, 05 and 31. She has also been on the Executive, and was Vice President for Publications 1998-2002. She is on the Editorial boards of the British Journal of Sociology and Diversities (formerly the International Journal on Multicultural Societies), and has been active in the Asian Studies Association of Australia. These reflect her research focus on migration, ethnic relations and education, particularly in Australia and the Asia Pacific region. Comparative studies and the policy implications of research feature in her current research, which includes a study of 2nd generation Turkish and Lebanese youth in Australia as part of the international TIES (the integration of the European second generation) project and Planning for Cultural Diversity (Unesco: IIEP 2008). Information on current projects can be found on the soon to be updated web site She has an apartment in Paris as well as one to which she recently downsized in Sydney, where books currently fight for space with nomadic rugs, Chinese snuff bottles and her son's collection of Congolese masks.

Bert Klandermans is professor of Applied Social Psychology at the VU-University, Amsterdam, of which he was Vice-Rector for 2004-9. The emphasis in his research is on the social psychological consequences of social, economical and political change. He has studied mobilization and participation in the labor movement, the women’s movement and the peace movement, and has published extensively on the social psychology of participation in political protest and social movements. He has served on editorial boards including those of the American Journal of Sociology, the American Sociological Review, Political Psychology, Social Psychology Quarterly, and Social Problems. Internationally he has, in addition to 2002-6 vice-presidency of the ISA, acted as president of the ASA section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements and is president-elect of the International Society of Political Psychology; nationally, he has been awarded the Royal Decoration ‘Knight in the Order of Orange Nassau’ for his efforts in liaison between science and society. For more about him and his work, see
Current Sociology
Eloísa Martín is Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology in the University of Brasília, Brazil. She has been researching and publishing on Sociology of Religion since she was an undergraduate student, focusing specially on Popular Religion, Catholicism and Religion and Politics in Latin America. She is affiliated to RC 22, and a member of the RC22 board (2010-2014). She was General Secretary and Vice-president of the Association of Social Scientists on Religion of Mercosur ( and the editor, for 10 years, of Ciencias Sociales y Religión/ Ciências Sociais e Religião (Social Sciences and Religion, More recently, her main research interests are related to religion as Epistemology and academic transit in South America. She also chairs the Research Group on Peripheral Studies & South Cooperation. Eloísa has been living and working between Argentina and Brazil for more than ten years, but she has her heart definitely in Rio de Janeiro, where her Cláudio lives. In her free time, but specially when she needs to think, she loves cooking. So, it is always a good idea to visit her when she is on a writing binge! For more information about her CV, see:
ISA Sage Studies in International Sociology

Sujata Patel is professor at the University of Hyderabad. An historical sensibility and a combination of four perspectives-Marxism, feminism, spatial studies and post structuralism/post colonialism influence her work, in areas such as modernity and social theory, history of sociology/social sciences, city-formation, social movements, gender construction, reservation, quota politics and caste and class formations in India. She is the author of more than forty papers and The Making of Industrial Relations (1997); in her capacity as ISA’s first Vice-President for National Associations she edited The ISA Handbook of Diverse Sociological Traditions (2010), and she has coedited three books on Bombay as a city as well as Thinking Social Science in India (2002); and Urban Studies (2006). She is Series Editor of Studies in Contemporary Society (Oxford, India) and Cities and the Urban Imperative (Routledge, India). Sujata also has interests in arts and aesthetics in the various spheres of her life. Her training in music, dance and art informs her artistic bent of mind. She has a passion for travelling, reading, watching movies on cities and listening to jazz and Indian classical music. For more about her and her work, see
Jennifer Platt, ISA Vice-President for Publications