• Magazine of the International Sociological Association
  • Available in multiple languages

Miriam Lang

Degrowth, Global Asymmetries and Ecosocial Justice

by Miriam Lang

Degrowth mainly presents itself as a perspective from and for countries of the geopolitical North, especially Europe and North America. Regarding the relations with the global South, many degrowth proponents clarify that a degrowth agenda is no universal recipe for transformation, rejecting the very idea of one universal transformational path valid for all world regions. Rather, they state that degrowth in northern high-income countries is necessary to “increase...

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Green Pacts and the Geopolitics of Ecosocial Transitions

by Maristella Svampa, Alberto Acosta, Enrique Viale, Breno Bringel, Miriam Lang, Raphael Hoetmer, Carmen Aliaga and Liliana Buitrago

The Ecosocial and Intercultural Pact of the South was formed in the first months of 2020, after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its main goal was to support a bottom-up ecosocial transition for Latin America. From its origins, the platform sought to promote, amplify, and systematize diverse local experiences linked to community control, territorial autonomies, food sovereignty, agroecology, community energy...

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