• Magazine of the International Sociological Association
  • Available in multiple languages

Jorge Rojas Hernández

Social Awakening Against Neoliberal Inequalities

by Gunhild Hansen-Rojas and Jorge Rojas Hernández

The current social protests in Chile (estallido social) are creatively accompanied by graffiti, murals, music, poetry, songs, meetings, and collective debate. The historically accumulated discontent of Chileans is thus given expression in a new kind of aesthetic. Decades of dissatisfaction, social abuse, discrimination, and social injustice are denounced in slogans like: “Chile has awakened!,” “... until human...

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Chile: From Neoliberalism to a Post-Growth Society?

by Jorge Rojas Hernández

In its relatively short history, Chile has undergone various economic, social, cultural, and political regimes. Some governments promised reforms or revolutions, but in doing so caused ever deeper conflicts. The Frente Popular government, a center-left alliance, took over in 1938 but did not last long. In 1964, Eduardo Frei Montalva won the presidential election as the candidate of the Christian Democratic Party. His government program...

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