• Magazine of the International Sociological Association
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Mohammed A. Bamyeh

Introduction: The Social Sciences in the Arab World

by Mohammed A. Bamyeh

“New knowledge for new times” sums up the ambition of the recently-released report Social Sciences in the Arab World: Forms of Presence (http://www.theacss.org/uploads/English-ASSR-2016.pdf)[1]. Sponsored by the Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS), the report has been two years in the making, with input from a team of researchers. Almost...

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Egypt's 18th Brumaire: The Street against the State

by Mohammed A. Bamyeh

The first grand phase of the Egyptian Revolution is over: the period between February 11, 2011 and August 14, 2013 signals a clearly defined period. It begins with the apparent collapse of the old regime. It ends with its return, thirsting for revenge, but with a twist: now it claims to act on behalf of the revolution. An apparent majority of the population became disgruntled with the short-lived rule of the Muslim Brotherhood. That served as a basis for...

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Response to Hassan: On Reducing Complexity to Deficits

by Mohammed A. Bamyeh

As should be obvious to anyone, “freedom,” “development,” and “knowledge” deficits are quite distinct concepts. They are also complex: how one evaluates them depends entirely on how one defines them, and this can vary significantly. Discussing any single one of these concepts satisfactorily in a single short article is hard to imagine, much less all of them in the same short breath, across ten centuries and while covering...

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